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The colour scheme of my front cover will be very plain and muted and pale colours to fit with the main image and the clothes that the band members are wearing. Also the colour of the font will be very simple and plain like black, grey or white.  This will fit with the layout as I  wanted it to be simple.

im going to have limited coverlines across the page because from my research and questionairre I found out that indie magazines are very basic with not many features on the page and that my target audience didnt want that.

My layout will be simple andfit the z frame so the audience will staright away look from the top left hand side to the bottom right of the page. 

The main image will be of the band members that will be the main story on my double page spread so that it will link. The image might be change to black and white. To fit with the style of indie or have very pale colours to reflect the mood that indie music puts people in. However i might use very bright colours as my target audience associated with indie.

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